Mercadito Musica Troncones Mercadito Troncones Artesania Handmade Troncones Local Organic Mercadito Natural Product Local Organic Natural Productor Troncones


A place for sale and exchange of organic products, handicrafts and experiences that meet every Thursday from 9am to 2pm inside the Tres Mujeres Hotel at Troncones Beach. Where in addition to fruits, vegetables and other organic products you can find mezcal, music, art and delicious food that you can't leave without trying.


Mercadito Orgánico de Troncones
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Mercadito Orgánico de Troncones

Int. Hotel Tres Mujeres, Av. de la Playa, 40807
Troncones, Guerrero México.

 Local Markets  Local Product


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