Guerrero cuisine is extensive, rich, and worthy of being recognized. A variety of dishes arise from indigenous and Spanish roots that are still cooked in many places with firewood, by hand, and with very fresh ingredients.
This is the case of these places that we will mention below; artisian kitchens of great tradition and we think you should add these on your list to visit.
Just 15 minutes from the center of Zihuatanejo you will find typical food from Guerrero such as the classic aporreadillo, goat broth, barbecue or fried beef and it is accompanied by handmade tortillas, delicious brewed coffee, and more options for breakfast. Restaurant Doña Celia has been serving you since 1989. The magic that he achieves in each of his dishes arises from the passion of the art of cooking.
Beware, Doña Celia opens only on Sundays at 8am and is located on Vicente Guerrero street in the town of El Coacoyul.
Don Rodrigo Serna religiously prepares traditional dishes starting very early morning in his gigantic wood oven surrounded by a small garden among hanging decorations and flower pots. You will taste delicious dishes with hand-made tortillas. At the beginning, they serve you beans, cheese and pork rinds while you decide what to choose from his selection of more than 10 dishes.
Barbecue, green or red mole, stuffed with pork, fried beef, pork, and goat are some of the dishes that are displayed at the entrance in large clay pots. The Garden of the Hummingbirds is open on Sundays and take-out or lunch service is also on site. It is located on Francisco Villa street in front of the Coacoyul health center.
Doña Carmelita Ramírez is a renowned cook and how could she not be if her dishes have been delighting everyone for more than 20 years! Carmelitas Café serves delicious traditional dishes such as the famous aporreadillo, Mexican zucchini, enjococadas, mole, pancita and more delicacies from Mexican cuisine as well as fresh fish prepared at the moment.
Carmelitas Restaurant is located in downtown Zihuatanejo and offers service every day from 8am to 4pm. It is one of the places that every food lover has to visit.
Of course, in addition to these places that we mentioned, you should not forget to eat in the Zihuatanejo market, as well as in the different palapas by the sea on the beaches of Zihuatanejo. If you are interested in learning more about the gastronomic wealth of Guerrero and at the same time promoting the traditional cuisine of Zihuatanejo, you cannot miss these places that, we are sure, will leave you wanting to return.
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